
Read The Market (RTM)

Read The Market (RTM) Cover

Price action RTM or Read The Market method is based on the rules of predicting the behavior of market makers and understanding the price movement. In this style, by presenting different concepts, it is tried to achieve the pattern of big boys’ behavior and the methods of deceiving minor traders.

Famous professors and teachers of this method can be named Michel Guilfoyle, also known as IFmyante, Redsword, Ben Hur, Sniffer, Hanzo, Sullivan, Mansour Sapari, Nora, Harry, etc. In RTM, we are facing an open-source style, which is the sum of this style’s master’s opinions. This issue has caused differences in views and, as a result, sometimes differences in trade. In this style, IF’s comments are considered more in trading, but as we said, there are differences.

This style is based on Sam Siden’s supply and demand or price action (one of the most famous price action trading strategies), But in RTM, many of Sam Siden’s views such as base size, time frame, sharpness, how to exit, RBR, RBD, DBR, DBD, etc. are not present, and we are mostly faced with the dynamic orders flow and the position of the nodes in chart analysis. In RTM, we are dealing with the issues of Engulf, structure (although the concept of pattern and structure in RTM is slightly different and closer to Waykoff’s view), flow and orders transfer. RTM is also the basis of a high liquidity strategy.

Despite being scattered, a complex order prevails over the contents of RTM. RTM’s specific perspective on target and take profit, Engulfs, FLs, free order flow (FOF), scale, and symmetry is interesting and remarkable. In price reading, the intellectual philosophy of RTM is commendable, and to comprehend price reading, we must understand the principle that instead of paying attention to “How the price approaches,” it is more important to ask “Where it approaches!” And “Where is the price?” is less important than “Why is it there?!”

RTM Strength Points

  • Usability for all trading groups and all markets
  • Deep analytical view of market behavior
  • Having analytical setups based on price and order flow
  • High customization and combination with other methods

RTM Weak Points

RTM Critics give the following reasons for its weaknesses:

  • Sometimes this type of analysis goes in a direction that seems to be trying to justify the market behavior rather than analyzing it.
  • Mastering it requires a lot of practice, time, and experience
  • Masters have different educational outputs in a common subject.
  • Lack of a clear structural view of the analysis time frame.
  • The Scale topic’s vagueness.
  • Disregarding the Sessions topic.

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